B’chukkotai (By my wisdoms) pt 4, Lev. 27:1 – 15
This section puts a value on various types of vows. Note that, as with the census, the amount of the vow for a person is fixed, by age and gender. But each person is a child of Yahveh, how can we put a value on them?
Each one belongs to Yah, so this is not an expression of ownership, but appreciation and gratitude for the person, a “wave offering” of joy in them and to seek Yahveh for His grace and protection over them. The rich are not valued greater than the average, and the poor are given grace, each vow set to make it affordable.
We have people in our lives who are precious to us, so in gratitude, let us raise each other up in prayer to Yahveh to thank Him and seek His grace and protection for each other. He has already payed the redemption price through Yeshua.