We Live as Servants of God/Yahveh




B’har Pt 5: Lev. 25:29-38
A dwelling in a walled city can be sold, but the city/village dwelling of a Levite is like a field, not to be permanently sold. Also, one who has become poor is to be cared for so that they can continue to dwell among the Children of Israel. Or within the Kingdom. In a city, your service and inheritance are your skills and services you provide; their location may change, so your dwelling may change. For a Levite, who is in direct service to Yahveh, their dwelling place, where they are located to serve, IS their field. One who is disabled (but see 2 Thess. 3:6-15) is themselves a “field” to be tended. For we who, in Messiah Yeshua, are servants/children of Yahveh, He is the one Who calls us and puts us to work for Him, and we are to be equipped, and equip each other, to build the Kingdom. We work together as fellow servants, as a team, not to take advantage but to build each other up.