God (Yahveh) Loves Us as His Treasure



B’midbar, “In the Wilderness”, Pt. 4: Numbers 3:1-13

The priests and the Levites are set apart for the service of Yahveh, as belonging to Him for that purpose. All of Israel – all of creation – belongs to Him. But He takes a special portion, and uses it to care for the rest, that all may draw close to and stay close to Him.
The Father took what was most precious to Him, His very Son, and gave Him to atone for our sins and redeem us back as His children. “Elohim so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son (unique Son Who totally shares His nature and being), that whoever puts their full trust and identity in Him should not perish or be lost, but have everlasting life and an eternal love relationship with Him.” (John 3:16)